The Vision of City Light

With so many churches and spiritualities in the city of Los Angeles, what makes City Light distinct? Why do we choose to meet in Downtown even though it’s filled with a myriad of problems? This series gives us a glimpse of our distinctive ministry and our call to join us in making it a reality. 

Sermon | The Church in Heaven | Revelation 7:9-17

The church in heaven shows us God’s dream for his church on earth. Revelation 7 shows us a beautiful picture of a diverse church, centered on worship, that is consoled after a lifetime of suffering for the kingdom. We should pray that our church on earth would more and more be like this heavenly church to come.

Sermon | City-Focused | Acts 17:16-34

The story of Acts is the story of the early church bringing the gospel to major cities. Cities are beautiful places that produce culture but are also magnets for idols. Instead of avoiding cities, Paul brings the gospel to places like Athens where he not only preaches in religious places but also the marketplaces and spaces of intellectual thought. City Light shares God’s love for the city and desires to participate in the kingdom work of making Los Angeles more like heaven.

Sermon | A Christ Centered Life | Colossians 2:6-15

Only by centering our lives around Jesus will we find the answers to the questions we ask. Those who have met the resurrected Jesus can’t help but abound in thanksgiving even in the darkest of days.

Sermon | A Christ-Centered Life and Church | Genesis 3:1-15

Ultimately in life there are only two ways to live: a self-centered life or a Christ-centered life. A Self-centered life seemingly has freedoms but ultimately ends in alienation and addiction. A Christ-centered life is a life of freedom and grace. Jesus as the Second Adam gives us a new center for our lives and our church.


Psalms: Prayers in the night


The Call