The Call

Many people struggle with finding meaning in their work and ultimately finding a purpose in life. God’s call helps us to find meaning in work and all of life. Through studying the life of Abraham, Jacob, and Moses we’ll learn to discover God’s call for our own lives and how we can faithfully follow that call. Following God’s call will be at times difficult but also exhilarating. Join us as we learn about finding, following and remembering God’s call in our lives.

Sermon | Finishing God’s Call | 2 Timothy 4:1-8

God has a specific call on all of His people not only to know him but to accomplish His purpose on this earth. The Apostle Paul shows us the joy of those who have faithfully fulfilled their call on this earth. Ultimately even when we fall short, all God’s calling are covered by his grace and will find their ultimately fulfillment in the life to come.

Sermon | The Call to Worship | Psalm 96

Though our culture demands we worship and admire anything that can better the lifestyles we choose, the gospel calls us to lift up our eyes in adoration to the God who stopped at nothing to give us everything we need.

Sermon | The Call to Missions | Isaiah 6:1-8

God doesn’t just call us to a life of personal fulfillment, but also calls us to be part of his wider plan of making all things new. Isaiah answered God’s call to declare both God’s judgment and his hope to a broken people. God’s people are called in a new way to offer hope in a world of bleakness and live as signposts of a new kingdom of grace that is found in Jesus.

Sermon | The Call to Serve Series | John 13:1-17

Jesus calls us to a level of service that far exceeds what we are comfortable with. Although infinitely high, Jesus became infinitely low to show us his followers how to serve each other. And yet, Christ will never ask us to a level of service that he himself hasn’t done for us.

Sermon | Failing God’s Call | John 21:15-25

What happens when you fail God’s call in your life? Many of us will fumble, fail or flame out when it comes to fulfilling God’s call. But the story of Peter gives us hope that God’s grace covers our worst moments. Peter’s spectacular failures doesn’t result in demotion but in loving confrontation and a secondary call to ministry.

Sermon | Waiting on God’s Call | Genesis 15:1-6; 12-21

The Call Summary: God called Abraham to be the father of a new nation but after years of obedience, Abraham still doesn’t have a child. God reassures Abraham in midst of waiting that He would fulfill every last promise. Often in our lives we have to wait on the fulfillment of God’s plan for our lives. Like Abraham we’ll often fear that God won’t fulfill his purposes for our lives. The covenant or the promise of God stands as God’s guarantee that all God’s promises are yes and amen in Jesus.

Sermon | Wresting with God’s Call | Genesis 32:9-12; 22-32

God’s call in our lives can be glorious but also at times, daunting and difficult. Jacob wrestling with God shows us how we must at times wrestle with God’s will for our lives. Jacob’s encounter with God shows us how God refines us through struggle and shows us the power of dependence.

Sermon | Discovering God’s Call | 1 Samuel 3

Many people have taken countless jobs without stepping back and discerning God’s call on their lives. How do we discover God’s call for our lives? The story of Samuel shows us how God works in our past and through the wisdom of others to help us discover our call. Samuel is a model of responding and growing in God’s call. 

Sermon | The God who Calls | Exodus 3:1-15

God’s call is categorically different than any other kind of call from other people or institutions. It’s a sovereign call of the God of the God of the Universe. God doesn’t just call but He promises to equip us, to be with us and surround us with community along the way. God’s calling is a gracious call where He uses broken people to accomplish His grand purposes. In heeding God’s call we begin to be part of God’s gracious reordering of His fallen world. 

Sermon | The Call to Leave | Genesis 12:1-9

With so many voices calling to us in the world, the most important voice we must hear is God’s voice and His calling in our lives. Abraham’s call reminds us that in order to follow God’s call in our life we have to leave behind all of our former callings. God calls us to a life that is full of purpose and promise. 


The Vision of City Light


The Uncondemning Heart