Psalms: Prayers in the night

We’re often overwhelmed with anxiety, fears and grief as we try to navigate the uncertainties and valleys of life. The Psalms invite us to engage with these dark emotions through a process of meditation and prayer. As we pray through the night, God invites us to wait for the hope of His morning light. 

A Prayer of Thanksgiving | Psalms: Prayers in the Night | Psalm 103

The Psalms begin with the darkness of lament but end in joyful songs of praise. Psalm 103 is a prayer that reminds us of the many often forgotten blessings of God. We’re constantly called to remember God’s forgiveness and grace over our lives and the never-ending commitment of God to love us as His Beloved.

A Prayer of Courage | Psalms: Prayers in the Night | Psalm 46

A Prayer of Confession | Psalms: Prayers in the Night | Psalm 32:1-5, 51:1-12

Since the time of Adam, humanity has always been on the run, hiding the worst about ourselves and pretending that we’re alright. The Psalms show us how unconfessed sin can fill us with guilt and dread and keep us from experience genuine joy. David’s prayer gives us a model of genuine confession and a pathway to experiencing the joy of forgiveness and the beauty of reconciliation.

A Prayer for Peace | Psalms: Prayers in the Night | Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is one of the most loved and treasured meditations in the Bible. This Psalm give us a place to pause in midst of the chaotic moments in our life. Psalm 23 reassures us of God’s faithful presence in the dark valleys of our life. Ultimately God promises to bring us not only to a place of peace but a table of delight as we find our place in the House of the Lord.

A Prayer in Grief | Psalms: Prayers in the Night | Psalm 42 and 43

The Psalms give us rich resources in the midst of the troubles and unpredictable pains of life. The Psalms teach us how to voice our grief to God, how to speak to ourselves and how to ultimately find consolation.

A Prayer when Overwhelmed | Sermon Series Psalms: Prayers in the Night | Psalm 3

We can often feel overwhelmed with the amount of troubling possibilities in our lives. Psalm 3 gives us a prayer for those who feel overwhelmed. As we bring all our troubles to God in prayer, God promises to hear us. Psalm 3 teaches us to place our smaller stories into God’s larger story of ultimate redemption.


Advent: The Coming of the King


The Vision of City Light