Judges: Good News in a Bad News World 

The Book of Judges takes place in the backdrop of political instability, conflict and spiritual compromise. But in the midst of the bad news God continues to work as he raises up deliverers and shows His people His unending patience. Judges show us that no matter how bad things get, God continues to pour out His grace on His people.

Sermon | The Religion of Self | Judges 17

Judges shows us how humanity has tried to violently take lands, people and ultimately God to serve our own selfish ends. In the story of Micah we see that instead of worshipping and listening to God, religious people have sought to control God to get material blessings. Judges shows us the folly of self-made religion but points toward a day when God would come down and bring grace and truth. 

Sermon | Samson: Strength and Weakness | Judges 14

Samson's rule shows us the problems of ancient and modern societies that abuse power and sex and exposes the weakness of family, societal and filial bonds. Samson's life shows us our need for a true Savior who will show us sacrificial power and covenantal love. 

Sermon | The Birth of Samson | Judges 13:1-7; 21-25

Judges shows us how God is constantly working behind the scenes, providing deliverance through unexpected people in the least likely places. While God's people are enslaved by the Philistines, God works through an anonymous barren woman to give rise to the great liberator Samson. Samson's story gives us a picture of a greater liberator to come, a child who will be dedicated completely to the Lord to bring about an ultimate redemption. 

Sermon | Jephthah: The Outlaw Leader

The story of Jephthah challenges us to see that even the most seasoned and faithful leaders can be fraught with foolishness and rashness. Only in the gospel do we find that God cares not only about what has been done but how it’s been done, and bears upon himself the burden of saving His people out of pure grace and mercy.

Sermon | Gideon: Strength in Weakness | Judges 7:1-22

Judges shows us how God uses flawed people with glaring weaknesses to accomplish HIs perfect plan. In Judges 7 God intentionally reduces Gideon's army to a random group of 300 men to show how the eventual victory was the result of God's power. Judges teaches us to see our weaknesses as potential strengths as our weaknesses help us to think creatively, rely on others and ultimately God's power.

Sermon | Deborah: The Female Leader | Judges 4

In Judges we find that God works through unexpected people and surprising situations. Deborah was the first female judge and she completely routes an army which leads to the downfall of a male commander by the hand of another woman. Judges shows us how God can work through any person or situation and gives us eyes to see how God can work through all of our life circumstances for our good and God's glory. 

Sermon | False Gods | Scripture Passage: Judges 2:6-23

Joshua led a generation of people who were mostly faithful but had failed to pass on their faith to the next generation. Instead of worshipping God, the following generation gave their hearts to the idolatries of their age. Judges warns us about the temptation of spiritual compromise but shows us how the greatness of God's mercy opens up the possibility of renewal.

Sermon | Halfway Faith | Scripture Passage: Judges 1:1-6; 27-28; 2:1-5

The Book of Judges begins as a challenge for God's people to live faithfully in a land full of counterfeit gods. The opening chapters of Joshua teaches us about the temptation to compromise and live out a halfway faith. Judges shows us the power to change and a way of faith that will lead to lifelong peace.


A Weary World Rejoices


The Gospel to the Religious