Acts: The Gospel in the City

After Jesus’ resurrection, He calls his followers to bring the gospel to the city and the ends of the earth. Witness means more than sharing the story but also embodying the Story of God in our fellowship and our love for the broken. The book of Acts shows us how the Story of God was meant to be shared, to be rejoiced in and to be displayed in our authentic love for all people. 

4.3.22 | Saul’s Story | Acts 9:1-19

Saul was formerly full of anger and an enemy to the movement of the church. His stunning conversion shows us the power of God’s grace and his desire to turn his enemies into friends. Saul’s transformation gives hope for any person with any dark past.

3.27.22 | The Cross-Culture | Acts 8:26-40

The Gospel was not intended to be for one people in one place but was always intended to cross every culture and reach every people. In Acts we see the advance of the gospel from Jerusalem to all the diverse regions around it. The gospel has the power to break through racial, national, socio-economic and sexual barriers. The mission of God is to re-stitch a broken humanity and to make a new diverse community of God.

3.20.22 | Just Like Jesus | Acts 6

As the church continues to exponentially grow, the resistance against the Christian movement also intensifies. Stephen, one of the first early leaders of the church, demonstrates faith in midst of the fire. Stephen’s courage, humility and grace show us what it looks like to follow Jesus today.

3.6.22 | Gospel Courage | Acts 5:17-42

As the Christian movement grew in the first century, the opposition against it also grew with it. The church faced not only spiritual attacks but attacks from the political and religious organizations around them. But instead of retreating, the apostles demonstrated tremendous courage. The apostles show us how we can face down our fears and live courageously in midst of great opposition.

2.27.22 | False Spirituality | Acts 5:1-11

The early church was filled with great people of faith but also people who hid behind a false mask of spirituality. Hypocrisy has always been a great threat to the church and a cause for it to lose credibility. God desires a church that tells to the truth about ourselves, others and also a great God filled with both truth and love.

2.20.22 | Deep Community | Acts 4:32-37

The early church was a dynamic community that was deeply united. This kind of community was not built on convenience but rather costly sacrifices each was willing to make for others. This sacrificial community experienced great grace and was a testimony to a watching world in need of genuine connections. 

2.13.22 | A Community of Prayer | Acts 4:23-31

The early church faced daunting threats and waves of persecution. But what kept them together was a powerful ministry of prayer. Prayer kept the church united and was the way they became bold in the face of hostility. Prayer today is the key way believers can experience the power and presence of God.

2.6.22 | Missional Living: What It Will Take | John 21:1-19

Guest Speaker: Pastor Joe Moon

1.30.22 | Preparing For Mission | Acts 4:8-13

Guest Speaker: Pastor Mike Moffatt

1.23.22 | The Ministry of Mercy | Acts 3:1-10

Acts shows us how the early church was filled with joy as they experienced God in worship and fellowship. But the church wasn’t only inwardly focused but had a love not just for outsiders but especially for the most vulnerable people in the city. The early church was a sign of the kingdom not just through their words but through their generous acts of mercy. Mercy shows us the heart of God to make all things new.

1.16.22 | The Missional Church | Acts 2:42-47

We all know that missions is an integral part of the Christian life but we shortchange the high call to go and make disciples of all nations when we simply view it through the lens of yet another imperative. What would it look like if our church didn't view missions as a command but rather as a hermeneutic? Acts 2 is a great example of what happens when missions happen as an organic overflow in response to the Gospel.

1.9.22 | The Power For Mission | Acts 2:1-13

We’re often running low on strength and motivation to do all the things that God calls us to do. Acts show us that Jesus’ gift to his followers is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit unifies and empowers the church to be faithful witnesses in a broken world.

1.2.22 | The Call | Acts 1:1-11

The early followers of Jesus went from being a fearful and broken group to a bold and empowered people. The book of Acts shows the profound effects of witnessing the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. The resurrected Jesus not only reassured them but gave the church a mandate to bring His Story to the ends of the earth.


Easter Series 2022


From Darkness To Light