
The Gospel to the Religious
Mindy Lee Mindy Lee

The Gospel to the Religious

Jesus went out of his way to address that justification by works is an impossible endeavor because God's standards are greater and higher than sinners could ever hope to achieve. Instead of working for our salvation, it must be received. In our modern day, we have in subtle and overt ways adopted this way of life and because of this, we have lost the joys that come from the gospel.

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Book of Revelation
Mindy Lee Mindy Lee

Book of Revelation

The book of Revelation gives us a new way of seeing; it shows us what’s beyond the headlines of wars and social upheaval; it gives us a glimpse into the spiritual world around us. Revelation ultimately points us to Jesus, the Lamb of God, who is ruling on His throne. The message of Revelation gives us hope that the end of history will be worked out together for our glorious good.

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Disciple: Following Jesus in All of Life
Mindy Lee Mindy Lee

Disciple: Following Jesus in All of Life

In midst of the darkness of political chaos, uncertainty and hopelessness, Isaiah gives God’s people a vision of a coming King who will bring everlasting peace and joy. Advent begins in the darkness of hopelessness but ends in the light of a coming King. Isaiah shows us the image of our coming King and gives us hope In our unsettling times.

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Advent: The Coming of the King
Mindy Lee Mindy Lee

Advent: The Coming of the King

In midst of the darkness of political chaos, uncertainty and hopelessness, Isaiah gives God’s people a vision of a coming King who will bring everlasting peace and joy. Advent begins in the darkness of hopelessness but ends in the light of a coming King. Isaiah shows us the image of our coming King and gives us hope In our unsettling times.

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