
Shrewd Stewards
john cheng john cheng

Shrewd Stewards

Jesus celebrates the shrewdness of the dishonest manager. More specifically, that shrewdness was in using what he had to prepare for what was to come. For the Christian, that kind of shrewdness leads to serving for the poor and marginalized. Jesus moves on to the idea of stewardship, that we’re to serve our Master and gain a greater reward. What began with self-interest ends with loving Jesus (no one can serve two masters).

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The Trap of Doing Right
john cheng john cheng

The Trap of Doing Right

"We feel this desire to be well thought of by doing right in other people's eyes- whatever community it is we care about receiving acceptance from. Jesus frees us from that need, and gives us a new way to live, by enjoying his acceptance".

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Memorial Stones
john cheng john cheng

Memorial Stones

We're by nature forgetful people, constantly misremembering the goodness of God. Memorial stones are visible reminders of God's faithfulness in our lives. God calls his people to set up monuments of God's faithfulness.

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Faith > Fear
john cheng john cheng

Faith > Fear

Our world seems turned upside down with hostility, division and disinformation. Daniel shows us a vision of a world that is similarly off centered. But his vision shows us how God is inmost of the chaos and ultimately will bring order and his peace.

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The Ministry of Reconciliation
john cheng john cheng

The Ministry of Reconciliation

Our country and city are groaning under the weight of our collective brokenness: racially, physically and spiritually. The Good News of Jesus is that He’s come to heal our central relationships. Jesus has come to make his enemies into friends and to welcome them to join Him as he makes all things new. The gospel gives us courage to confess our own sins, strength to renew our relationships and hope that all will be made right.

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