James: Life-Changing Faith 

Anger can delude us into thinking that bad people deserve suffering. Our culture calls us to turn to outrage when we are not accepted just as we are, without any change. The promise of the gospel calls us to radical transformation as we look deeply within our hearts, identify that we are sinful, and fall into the arms of an incredibly patient and loving God. God is patient with us when we are trying to be patient with him.

Sermon | Patience and Prayer | James 5:7-20

Everyone will go through seasons of intense suffering throughout their lives. James gives us hope by pointing us toward patience, prayer and community. As we open ourselves up to God’s time, God’s presence and God’s people, He’ll unfold his wonderful plan in our lives. 

Sermon | Worldliness | James 3:13-4:10

Christians can consciously or unconsciously become friends with the world and distance themselves from Jesus and His kingdom. James tells us the dangers of worldliness but shows us the way back to the heart of God and the joy of Jesus. 

Sermon | Empty Words | James 2:14-3:12

Sermon | Playing Favorites | James 2:1-13

If the gospel redeems the lowly then it calls us to boldly and courageously love those whom our culture neglects. The gospel gives us patience and courage to associate with those breaking down to preserve and be a force of redemption.

Sermon | Life-Changing Faith | James 1:19-27

We live in a culture of anger, division and misinformation. James says that in contrast, true faith means learning to listen, being patient and showing compassion to the "least of these". God calls His believers not only know His truth but to fully embody the principles of His Kingdom.

Sermon | Faith Under. Fire | James 1:1-18

Many of us have faith that is mixed in with a heavy dose of doubt. We often question God in midst of the most difficult moments of our life. James teaches us how we can have a faith that meets difficult times with joyful acceptance. We can have faith as we look to a faithful God who never changes and whose heart overflows with grace.


The Uncondemning Heart


I am angry enough to die