Questioning Christianity

During the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry he addressed many of the pressing questions people have about Christianity. Many people wonder why Christians are so hypocritical or so obsessed with politics and sex. Other people question key Christian teachings like communion or Jesus’ death on the cross. As we study the Gospel of Mark we will hear Jesus' winsome answers to our modern questions.

Sermon | Did Jesus Rise From the Grave? | Luke 23:26-43

Many believe the resurrection of Jesus from the grave is a legend that arose through the centuries. In this Easter message we’ll look at the historicity of the resurrection and how it was a powerful explosion that began the global movement of Christianity. The resurrection of Jesus is not just a historical reality but also fulfills our greatest longings. 

Sermon | Why was Jesus Crucified | Luke 23:26-43

As Jesus goes to the cross, He repeatedly hears the same question, “If you are the true King, why are you allowing yourself to be crucified?” The logic of this world assumes that those in power will use it first for themselves. Jesus’ cross demonstrates the upside down values of His Kingdom. The cross shows us the incomprehensible love and justice of God for His enemies.

Sermon | Why was Jesus Betrayed by His Disciples? | Luke 22:47-62

Before Jesus went to the cross, His closest friends betrayed and repeatedly denied him. These betrayals give us a picture of both humanity and the failures of even faithful disciples. Our failures can either lead us to despair or lead us to wonder at the lavishness of God’s unsearchable grace. 

Sermon | What is the Significance of Communion? | Luke 22:14-23

Because Jesus accepts sinners, we are not without hope for people who betray us and can seek their good even if it's hard.

Sermon | When is Jesus Coming Back? | Luke 21:5-18; 25-28; 34-36

Christians have always speculated about the specific time when Jesus will return to earth. Although nobody can know the exact time, Jesus gives us a series of signs indicating when his return will be imminent. The return of Jesus gives us perspective on how we live on earth and hope in midst of the difficulties of life. 

Sermon | Why are Christians so obsessed with politics and sex?

Christians today are often consumed by politics and a a to baptize certain political parties. They are often also accused of an obsession with sexual ethics and a desire to have perfect traditional families. But Jesus shows us that our ultimately loyalty and hope should rest in the coming Kingdom of God where God will rule perfectly and fulfill us in the ultimate Marriage of the Lamb. 

Sermon | Why are Christians so hypocritical?

Many people have turned away from Christianity because of the seeming hypocrisy of those who bear the name of Jesus. Why are Christians so hypocritical? After Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, He confronted the empty worship of his people through tears and anger. Jesus called His people back into authentic worship and humble witness. 


I am angry enough to die


The Holy Spirit