Praying with Jesus

Prayer can be the most exhilarating experience or the most frustrating discipline in the Christian life. What is prayer about and how can it be an instrument to experience the presence and power of God? Jesus gives us a pattern for praying simply and effectively to our God who is eager to hear His Children.

Matthew 6:9-13; 26:40-41 | Overcoming Temptation | Praying with Jesus

Matthew 6:8-15, 18:21-22 | Praying with Jesus | Praying for Grace

Jesus teaches us to pray prayers of forgiveness that we can receive the riches of God’s grace and be relieved from guilt and shame. But God’s forgiveness should give us a heart of grace toward those who have also wronged us. A sign of a transformed heart is a life that constantly forgives those who have wronged us and those who we consider natural enemies. In a world of anger, Jesus teaches us a radical way of genuine grace.

Matthew 6:9-15 | Daily Bread | Praying with Jesus

Jesus’ prayer reminds us that God provides for us each day and not necessarily for the distant future. In Exodus God gave his people “daily bread” in the form of manna to teach them daily dependence. Ultimately Jesus is the true bread of life that assures us of God’s faithfulness.

Praying for the Kingdom | Praying with Jesus | Matthew 6: 5-13

In Jesus’ model prayer he teaches his disciples to pray for the Kingdom. When we pray for the Kingdom, we pray that the beauty of heaven would descend upon the earth. Prayer is one of the ways that God brings heaven down to earth.

Praying to God our Father | Praying with Jesus | Matthew 6:5-13

Prayer can often feel like a cold formality. But Jesus teaches us to pray like a kindergartner talks to her father. We are to come to God messy, with all of our insecurities and lay them at the feet of God who is our Father. 


The Lost Sheep


True Cleansing