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Love Offering for Vietnam

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Our church is a part of a network that supports churches and missionaries in South East Asia. A few years ago Pastor Dennis travelled to Vietnam to minister to college students and churches in that region. Currently they are asking for help as Vietnam has been hard hit by the Covid crisis. The daily rate of infection rose from about 10 cases a day in April to over 13,000 in September. As a result the government begun a massive lockdown. Though it brought cases down, it also led to workers being laid off and factories closing. Currently Hope Charity House, the orphanage we’ve supported, is unable to pay its teachers and staff. Their churches are trying to help their community by distributing food for those unable to provide for themselves. Our church is taking up a love offering for the next three weeks. You can make an offering online by choosing “Love Offering-Vietnam” in the drop down menu. You can also give by check and place “Vietnam” in the memo line.

October 3

Evening Service @ The Terasaki Budokan - October 3rd

October 21

Missions Committee Prayer Meeting