Join us every Sunday for our Outdoor Service at the Terasaki Budokan at 10:00am

  • Outdoor Service

    Our outdoor worship services are held at 10:00am at Terasaki Budokan.

  • Sermons

    Check out our previous sermons and sermon series.

  • Care & Support

    If you are in a season of need, our Care Team can offer various avenues of support based on your needs. Please fill out the appropriate forms below to request care.

  • Find your Community

    Get connected by joining a community group. We meet all over Los Angeles!

Our Worship Service

Our worship services are contemporary and casual. We worship God through contemporary and traditional songs, communion, and grace-saturated sermons.

Our Location & Times

We meet every Sunday at 10:00 am outdoors at the Terasaki Budokan (249 S. Los Angeles St., LA, 90012). We will also be broadcasting our Worship Services to you every Sunday at 10:00 am PST.

Children’s Ministry

Our program starts with the children’s service followed by Sunday School classes for nursery, preschool, and elementary. Our teachers prepare a weekly bible lesson, crafts, and snacks. Simply check-in with the children’s director, Kirsty Moon, before the service begins. All of our kid’s ministry options are available in person on Sunday morning. But, we also have online resources available as well.

Current Sermon Series

When your device freezes or overheats you may be in need of a reset. Many of us may be entering this year feeling overworked and anxious, needy of a spiritual reset. The Ten Commandments are God's grand principles that help us thrive in every area of life. These principles give us a new way to look at our worship, relationships and desires. The Ten Commandments ultimately point us to the embodiment of these principles in Jesus.